Hydrogen is a potential solution to convert polluting power producers currently using fossil fuel into efficient low cost green energy producers using water as the feedstock to generate onsite hydrogen production which then replaces fossil fuel to operate the Genset with no CO2 or Methane Emissions.
W2H2 is still under research and development and not yet commercialized.
When hydrogen is burned nitrogen oxides (NOx) is emitted and the W2H2 solution comes with a NOx control system to keep levels below environmental regulations level.
Hydrogen is a potential solution to convert polluting power producers currently using fossil fuel into efficient low cost green energy producers using water as the feedstock to generate onsite large scale hydrogen production which then replaces fossil fuel to operate the power plant with no CO2 or Methane Emissions.
New method of magnetic and light enhanced alkaline water electrolysis that greatly outperforms conventional electrolysis methods.